Saturday, October 22, 2011

Renaya, the Writer

Kristine, my lovely bride, takes Renaya, my lovely nine-year-old to school every Tuesday night to sit through a Geology lecture.  Rocks fascinate Renaya.  She has the innocent love of everything that all children seem to possess.  Kristine likes rocks when they come on a gold band.  Innocent enough - except that I'm the sucker that needs to come up with the circlet.

Last Tuesday, the lecture had to be terribly sleep-worthy because Renaya brought home a story she had written about a caterpillar during class.  I'm sure the professor would have forgiven her if she had passed copies of it around to all her mates. 

All I have to say about it is that she has a brilliant mind.  Let her talents loose and she will go far.

Love,  Daddy


  1. You should post a pic of her caterpillar! I'd love to see that!

  2. That's awesome man. Creativity runs in the family! :D

  3. I was helping my mom study chemistry, anatomy and physiology when I was 9. She was going to be a nurse anesthetist and I helped her with flash cards that I made. Too bad I didn't stick with it.

    Tell Renaya to stick with it, it's worth it.....
