Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Another Request for Darcy

I am going to be asking for money again for Darcy.  As many of my readers know, it wasn't much more than two weeks ago that I posted this.  At that time in history, Darcy was excited about looking for a lawn mower to replace her old beater.  You know the story.  We raised almost $450 for the family to purchase a brand spanking new machine.  When the campaign finished, I had determined to rarely use this venue for charity campaigns, though I loved the response.  Many of my readers are repeat visitors and people get tired of being asked for money over and over again.

That being said, I have another urgent request for Darcy.  You can get to know her and what a special person she is by perusing Darcy's Heart Stirrings.

Here is the story:

On Monday morning, February 25, 2012, Darcy's husband took their daughter to school.  Their daughter begged to sit in the front seat, buckled of course, rather than sitting in her car seat behind the driver seat.  Darcy's husband gave in to the pleading because, after all, school was only two minutes away. 

About halfway to school, Darcy's husband was driving through an intersection and a pickup truck, traveling 55 miles per hour t-boned them - right behind the driver's seat.  That part of the Ford Explorer folded over their daughter's car seat crushing the area where she would have been sitting.  Darcy's husband's head hit the window, causing lacerations on his face, knocking him out, and giving him a concussion where he does not remember the accident at all.  Their daughter was found, outside of the vehicle, when the paramedics arrived, walking without a scratch.  She chatted up the paramedics until Darcy arrived in a panic. 

Darcy's husband was rushed to the hospital and spent the night.  His memory was so shot from the concussion that he would repeat himself every few seconds when having an incoherent conversation.  He is now home, recovering, with no broken bones.  Darcy is very grateful that her family is safe and healing.

Now for the financials:

Due to financial constraints (Darcy's husband was recently laid off from his trucking job), including only liability on the car, the current determination that the accident was Darcy's husband's fault, a medical benefit of only $1000 on the insurance, the family is in dire straits.

A friend of Darcy's started another ChipIn and requested that I put this up on Incongruous Circumspection.

Here is the ChipIn link:  Darcy Saffer Relief Fund

Even a small donation would help them get through this rough spot in their life and back to living. Again, I realize this is the second time in as many weeks that I have asked for donations for this family - except, this time, it is much more important.  It isn't a practical need like a lawn mower.  It is just a need to get the family over this hump to the other side of life.  Please consider it.

Thank you,

I. C.

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