Sunday, August 14, 2011

Daily Debate: August 14, 2011

I'm from the great state that nobody knows about - Minnesota.  We have three politicians that originated from here currently and previously running for President.  Michelle Bachmann, Herman Cain, and Tim Pawlenty.

Timmy Boy was a decent Governor.  I especially liked his JOBZ program that allotted tax savings to companies who relocated or located to rural communities and created new jobs.  The recession hit that program hard, especially in my hometown for six years, Pipestone, MN.  The man also had a non-pretentious sense of humor, something he didn't show in the campaign.  In the campaign, he actually seemed to stand for nothing.

So...what do you think about Timmy dropping out of the race?  Is it a good thing for the Republican Party, regardless of what flag you fly?


  1. I'm going to be honest here. Pawlenty had actually looked to be like a pretty good bet for the Republicans. He wasn't completely crazy, but he also had really strong conservative credentials. Without Pawlenty, the current Republican field looks like Crazy, Crazy, Crazy, Crazy, Crazy, and Mitt Romney. Thus Obama will either run against Crazy, or against Mitt Romney. If Romney wins the primary he and his positions will look incredibly sane by comparison to his primary opponents. That will help him in running against Obama (though I will still vote for Obama). If Crazy wins the primary it will probably be easier for Obama to win reelection, but seriously, there is no guarantee and the consequences are potentially disastrous. Anyway, that's my two minutes worth of analysis. :)

  2. He's going to tell his followers to cling to Perry, who scares me almost as much as Crazy Eyes. I heard Crazy Eyes ran away from a gay protester today at the Iowa State Fair. Proves to me she can't take the heat.

  3. You wouldn't happen to know the Parsley family, would you? :P

  4. I don't think so. Does sort of ring a bell. Was that a joke?

  5. Hahaha! Sort of sounds like it, huh? Nope, real family I know from the pipestone area. Kevin, Betsy, Jesse are some of the kids. :)

  6. Nice! Just talked to my wife. She knows them well. She went to a homeschool group logic class with Betsy. Betsy might know her old name - Kristine Brumfield.
