Saturday, December 15, 2012

2012 KDWB's Jingle Ball - The Common Man's Critique: Psy

<-- Read about Train

Psy’s entrance was unimpressive, as is the portly gentleman when he just stands or speaks.  He was unassuming and warm.  The first thing he did was to thank us for the loudest volume ever in the United States and then ask for the lights to be turned on in the whole arena so he could see the fans.  It took a while before some lackey finally found the switch, giving Psy ample opportunity to ramble on in broken English about anything and everything.  He was very touched by our reaction to his presence.

The lights came on and Psy spent a minute taking pictures of the crowd.  Then the lights dimmed and he gave the people what they wanted – Gangnam Style.

It was more impressive in person than it was on Youtube.  On Youtube, you get these little splices of this man with a jiggly stomach pouring over his belt, dancing, but in person, this same man had to hit every step, jump, swoop, swipe, and sweep for the whole four minute set.

The crowd loved it.  All around me were people singing every word of the song in perfect Korean and dancing the entire dance.  A group of young men entertained the whole arena as they danced in the third level right by the railing. 

When the song was over, Psy received a standing ovation and realized that he would have to keep performing for us.  He asked for the lights to go back on.  Minutes passed and nothing happened.  Psy said, “I’ve been doing this for many years and I know lights can go on inside a building.  It can’t be that hard.”

The crowd rolled.

Finally, the light boy was woken up and driven back to the arena and he flipped the switch (must be a union job) and Psy could see the crowd.  Then he began to give us directions. 

“Now, I’ve been singing for 12 years, so I should have more songs – and I do.  But here, in the United States, I’m only known for one song.” A big cheer went up.  “So, since I’m going to sing it again, I want you to sing it louder, jump louder, and do everything you can louder so you don’t regret tomorrow.”

Then he took off his sequined shirt and rocked the house again.  The evening ended on a note of perfection.  

Everyone went home satisfied – except for me.  I wanted to write.

I hope it was worth your time.


  1. jey friend, my uncles and cousins are union, did lighting for Queen, Aerosmith, etc and ne er ever would have missed that.

    1. Ha! Thank you. It was a light jest. Basically, the idea that a union may only allow one grips guy on a movie set. So, I slid the logic into a mythical idea here.

      I wasn't making a statement. I'm heavily pro-union, seeing their good benefits, as well as their glaring faults. (Walmart employees need to unionize, for one.)
